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Dull man bangs out tune on pub piano to bemused locals


When I first saw the headline earlier today, I thought I was going to get an opportunity to demonstrate how I am no longer such a music snob and write a positive article about someone from a band that I really don't like.

Sadly, when I read the article itself, the story was about as boring and uninteresting as the band in question. For it was about everyone's favourite ex-husband of Gwyneth Paltrow - Chris Martin.

In my mind, from the headline and opening line, it sounded like a couple, who were in a pub and about to get married, and who got into a warm and deep chat with the singer, who then volunteered to play one of his 'tunes', since they are planning on having A Sky Full Of Shit as there first dance.

But as I gamely read on, it actually transpired that the couple were just in their local and they aren't getting married for another 2 or 3 months. It also doesn't sound like they conversed with Mr Martin, rather that he had popped in hoping for a quiet pint on his way back from Glastonbury and was approached by the pub (The Stag in Hinton Charterhouse, near Bath) landlord, who tragically asked him if he would sing for the couple.

And sadly for the other people present (said to be around ten in number), he agreed to play and jumped on the piano to sing the aforementioned song.

Fair play to him though - I will give him some credit here for not telling them to eff off, so that he could have his quiet pint. I am also taking points away from the landlord though, for a) putting unfair pressure on someone in his position, to do that, and b) for presumably pissing everyone else in the pub off by making them sit through that song!

The couple said that they were gutted that they forgot to invite Martin to their wedding before he left. If it is any consolation though, he would probably have turned up, got drunk and persuaded them to name their first born child Guava or Pomegranate. So there is that.....



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